Les Fleurs du Mal - Cattleya's pf

But then you tenderly saved me from myself
☆ Elena Masiero
☆ 22 anni (6 Giugno, classe 1998)
☆ Scienze e tecniche psicologiche
☆ Ho tre gatti: Fenchurch (nata il 15 Settembre 2014), Airi (24 Giugno 2019) e Ael (2 Novembre 2019). Sto tentando di adottare Frai, nato l'8 Aprile 2020. La prima è Adramelech, princessa demoniaca.
Ho parlato più dei miei gatti che di me e va benissimo così.

“I figure the world is basically a machine. I don't know who made it, if it was the Fates, or the gods, or the capital-G god or whatever. But it chugs along the way it's supposed to most of the time. Sure, little pieces break off and stuff goes haywire once in a while, but mostly... things happen for a reason.”
[Leo Valdez]



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    We're all mad here. But even so, don't lose yourself
    6 June 1998

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    "You're too precious to put into words. I think...
    it's like one of Theodore's buttons. If you asked him why he cared about them so
    he would tell you it's because they exist at all"

    “Hate is loud
    but I think you'll learn it's because it's only a few people shouting
    desperate to be heard.
    You might not ever be able to change their minds
    but so long as you remember you're not alone, you will overcome.”


    "Per Ardua ad Astra"
    "Nihil inimicius quam sibi ipse"



    "Beautiful things are fragile... At home we have only black moths.
    Formidable creatures, to be sure, but they lack beauty.
    They thrive on the dark and cold"
    "What do they feed on?"
    "Butterflies, I'm afraid"

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-Ma se dormiamo insieme da anni! Conosco il tuo corpo palmo a palmo. Di che cosa ti vergogni ancora?
-Le nostre cellule si rinnovano ogni mese. Pure in questo momento mentre parliano, -disse, mettendomi sotto gli occhi il dorso della mano snella. –Quella che tu credi di conoscere, è soltanto un ricordo che mi riguarda, niente di più.
[Haruki Murakami - Nel segno della pecora]

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